After driving from Llano, Texas to San Francisco (2 adults, 3 kids, and a dog in a 1950 Ford Sedan - sleeping and eating in the car) we spent a few weeks in San Francisco (February and March 1957) before boarding the USNS General Daniel I. Sultan bound for the Territory of Hawaii. We stayed in a hotel near the Embarcadero. Each day, we'd walk down to the big piers, watch the ships unloading, feed the seagulls, and once in a while Mom would let me get a comic book from one of the news stands. The thing that most impressed me: the giant wheels of cheese they took off some boat - to my kid's eye, they looked as big as a car. We also watched the Chinese New Year's parade from our hotel window. I remember riding in the car with Dad, up Fillmore street from the wharf, and being afraid the car was going to tip over backwards.
I don't remember much about the ship we took to Hawaii. But Mom wrote a letter to her parents while onboard (scan of letter below, typed version here):
Dear Mom and Dad,
Hi. Well. Here we are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This morning we had breakfast, visited with friends for awhile and then I took the kids to the movies - 8 cartoons. It was bedlam but they enjoyed it. After the movie there was a birthday party in the Dining Saloon in honor of all the children whoose birthdays fall during the voyage. They had paper hats, whistles, balloons, cake, ice cream - the works.
This is really a nice ship. It's run by civilians. The food is good and served at table instead of regular Navy style. There are movies, playrooms, card tournaments, dances every night.
The first day and a half I felt pretty woozy but not really sick. Since then I've felt fine and really enjoyed it. Thel says I've got my sea legs.
There was a band playing and relatives waving, etc. when we pulled out of Frisco - a Royal sendoff. Some people have been awfully seasick. Vern got sick at breakfast Sunday morning but other than that we've all felt good.
We are getting into warmer waters now. The nights are so pretty. The kids love to go out on deck and see the water. They never seem to tire of it. We are due to arrive in Hawaii thursday - not sure exactly what time.
Everyone is so friendly. The kids have had a grand time playing with all the other kids. You should see the main lounge - Pinochle games, cribbage, checkers, kids playing London Bridges or Ring around the Rosy, some people just visiting and others sleeping or trying to get over sea sickness. There are Navy, Army, Marine, Air Force and coast Guard personnel aboard with their families. Some women alone with their kids. Well, guess that's all for now - love to all,
Thel, Joan and kids.
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